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Author Topic: Paypal Express bypasses shipping options and return policy agreement  (Read 3771 times)

Offline Siri M.

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Hi. I like to use Paypal Express because some customers don't need to have a paypal account, so they can just use their credit card with the Paypal site. However, using this option, if the customer clicks the "checkout with paypal" button, it takes them directly to Paypal for processing, and skips my shipping options page. It just uses the free shipping option I have set up. Also, it skips my return agreement that customers must usually read and check before proceeding.

I don't have this problem with the regular paypal module. With regular Paypal, everything works fine. But customers must already have paypal account, or create an account.

Is there someway to tweak Paypal Express so it goes to shipping options first, and also return policy page?

Thank you for your time.


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