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Author Topic: How can we change the font, styles available for content  (Read 6279 times)

Offline browneyedgirl

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How can we change the font, styles available for content
« on: September 28, 2015, 12:20:57 PM »
The editor available withing Design->Content Manager is limited.  I cannot change the font or size.  Ther eis just "Styles" and "Format" pull down menu - but even when I select the text to be Heading 1,  it doens't seem to really change the size when I look at the website.  Anyone know how to make other fonts and sizes available in the editor?

btw - I'm running version 1.2.4


Offline abolabo

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Re: How can we change the font, styles available for content
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2015, 01:43:10 AM »
styles of your content page is under css of your template. To affect on it you should change css file. Just add your rules.
p.s. we'll try to resolve this issue in next release.
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Offline browneyedgirl

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Re: How can we change the font, styles available for content
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2015, 08:40:54 AM »
hi Abolabo - sorry, I'm new to all of this - you mentioned css of my template.  Can you please  explain to me what you mean by "css of your template"?  is this a file with extension .css?  If so,  I see under AbanteCart/admin/view/default/stylesheet - several .css files - not sure which one I would need to modify.
I also found under AbanteCart/admin/view/default/javascript/ckeditor a "contents.css"  file that has several items regarding font, headers etc.
Can you please clarify which file you are referring to?

Also, You said to just add my rules there.   Can you expand on that?, I don't know how to add a "rule" or what the syntax of the "rule" would be.

As mentioned, before, even when I  select Header 1, it doesn't seem to impact the size of the text displayed (in the editor or on the actual webpage. 
The other problem I have, is that when I use the "bullet" button to list items,  it shows the bullet in the editor but on the actual webpage, there are no bullets.  Any thoughts on why that might be happening and how  i can fix it?.  I'm looking for a way to be able to select a different font, font size, underline , bold etc (similar to the editor that is available  here in this forum.

   As a workaround, I tried copying and pasting the source generated from my cubecart version of the text  but not everything was formatted the same upon saving of the file (perhaps because it dd not know how to resolve the formatting?

I appreciate any education you can provide on this topic.  Creation of websites is all very new to me.  Thanks.


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