I would like to put my store header on the top on temp2 how do I go about doing this?
Right now I have the temp iframed into my website under my header with a link, but this creates a problem as google check out refuses to go along with my iframe setup; because it redirects. So now, if I can simply put my store header on top of the temp2, I can simply just link it as a page in my website with no iframe or redirect fixing my Google check out dilemma.
In my attempt to figure out what you're trying to do..
You're trying to add a "header" to your current store template.
You're currently using an Iframe.
Another method that may work is using PHP includes instead of an Iframe.
Open your template file and add the code:
<?php include("path_to_header"); ?>Change
path_to_header to the path where your header code is relative to the template file.
I have no Idea what you mean by redirect, please give us a screenshot, example, or link to your page?