Opened my file with Open Office SCalc, resaved. This is encapsulated in double quotes.
Data is empty or corrupted.
File is not empty, (still contains 99K of data).
The original tab delimited file still reports no errors when ran in test mode:
Test run completed. Total SQL queries: 360. Show details
Total loaded: 360. Updated: 0. Created: 360. Errors: 0
are the results.
Detail wise the queries reported as being generated for a single product are:
INSERT INTO `products` SET `product_id` = '', `model` = 'PNC28708', `weight` = '1', `weight_class_id` = '5', `date_available` = '4/1/2004 0:00', `date_added` = '4/1/2004 13:28', `quantity` = '99999', `price` = '32.95', `manufacturer_id` = '3', `tax_class_id` = '1', `status` = '1'
INSERT INTO `resource_map` SET `object_name` = 'products', `object_id` = 'new_id', `resource_id` = '', `default` = '', `sort_order` = '', `created` = '', `updated` = '', `name` = 'Toilet Tissue Aid', `description` = 'This toilet tissue aid is a simple solution for people who need an extended reach. The spring clamp on this toilet tissue holder easily opens to release tissue paper. This handy toileting aid measures 10" long. The vertical handle and horizontal clamp both measure 6" long. This bathroom aid is ideal for persons who are disabled, obese or are small people(dwarfism). Use with No Rinse Peri-Wash for added personal hygiene.', `meta_description` = 'Toilet tissue aides at Life Solutions Plus. Your source for toilet tissue holders, bathroom aides, toileting aides, toilet aides.', `meta_keywords` = 'toilet tissue aid, toilet tissue holder, bathroom aid, toileting aid, toilet aid, ass wipe, butt wipe'
INSERT INTO `resource_library` SET `resource_id` = 'new_id', `type_id` = '1', `created` = '', `updated` = ''
INSERT INTO `resource_descriptions` SET `resource_id` = 'new_id', `language_id` = '1', `name` = 'Toilet-Tissue-Aid-Paper-S.jpg', `title` = '', `description` = '', `resource_path` = 'Toilet-Tissue-Aid-Paper-S.jpg', `resource_code` = '', `created` = '', `updated` = ''
I have difficulty envisioning this as an encapsulation problem.
Note the resource map table query:
INSERT INTO `resource_map` SET `object_name` = 'products', `object_id` = 'new_id', `resource_id` = '', `default` = '', `sort_order` = '', `created` = '', `updated` = '', `name` = 'Toilet Tissue Aid', `description` = 'This toilet tissue aid is a simple solution for people who need an extended reach. The spring clamp on this toilet tissue holder easily opens to release tissue paper. This handy toileting aid measures 10" long. The vertical handle and horizontal clamp both measure 6" long. This bathroom aid is ideal for persons who are disabled, obese or are small people(dwarfism). Use with No Rinse Peri-Wash for added personal hygiene.', `meta_description` = 'Toilet tissue aides at Life Solutions Plus. Your source for toilet tissue holders, bathroom aides, toileting aides, toilet aides.', `meta_keywords` = 'toilet tissue aid, toilet tissue holder, bathroom aid, toileting aid, toilet aid, ass wipe, butt wipe'
This contains data that appears to be consistent with the use for which it is labeled in the file.
Note also the fields reported, compared to the actual structure of the table involved:
-- Table structure for table `resource_map`
`resource_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`object_name` varchar(40) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
`object_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`default` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0-no, 1-Yes',
`sort_order` int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`created` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
UNIQUE KEY `resource_map_index` (`resource_id`,`object_name`,`object_id`),
KEY `group_id` (`resource_id`,`object_name`,`object_id`)
This is clearly a mistake in the name of the table used in the previous query.
Where the actual resource map should be derived from I don't know. But there are no name, description, meta_description or meta keywords fields in the resource_map table.
So, this should not work for the developer.
My working conclusion at present is that the code distributed and the code being tested by the developer are not the same.