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Author Topic: How to set up weight based shipping?  (Read 5100 times)

Offline hawkster

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How to set up weight based shipping?
« on: May 16, 2018, 04:15:26 PM »
Hi. I did a search and was unable to find an answer. I have just downloaded abantecart and am in the process of setting it up to hopefully replace my website. One of the reasons for changing is that I want to be able to have the shipping computed by the weight as well as the distance shipped. I do have a USPS API.  So in entering a product, one of the necessary criteria would be weight in order for it to be added to other items that are being purchased, and when finished and ready to check out, then the total weight of all the items would be used to calculate the shipping cost.  So far I have not find any options for the weight of the item when adding a product. So before I go any further I would like to know if this is possible, and if so, how i would go about it.

Thank you for any replies.

Offline llegrand

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Re: How to set up weight based shipping?
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2018, 04:56:07 PM »
you indicate the product wt and  on each of the product pages > general tab, it is at the very bottom.You also need to indicate on each product rather it requires shipping or not.
You manage what is shown to your customer on the System > Settings > checkout 

As for your USPS api,  if you need more detail one what is needed -  please refer to our Enhanced USPS intergration manual. Our extension expands on the default USPS included in the cart so some of the fields will be slightly different in what they do,  but the basic instructions of setting up a USPS account is correct for both the default and the enhanced.Most users do not need our enhanced,  it is most valuable to sellers with unique requirements.This is important for either USPS extension 
   You need USPS Web Tools user ID.  This is NOT your USPS shipping account information.
Welcome to AbanteCart you will find it a great cart,  but as it has many settings it takes a bit to get them as you wish.


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