OK, did that and got this error in myphpadmin:Error
SQL query: ALTER TABLE `ac_orders` ADD COLUMN `payment_method_data` text COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL ;
MySQL said:
#1146 - Table 'chimom_crsdstore.ac_orders' doesn't exist
But before I did what you suggested above I tried to re-uploading the files from 1.1.5 back and this was added to my error log and the site issues remained:2013-08-02 23:49:44 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'default' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />INSERT INTO product_option_values
SET product_option_id = '16',
product_id = '4',
sku = '',
quantity = '0',
subtract = '0',
price = '0',
prefix = '',
attribute_value_id = '0',
grouped_attribute_data = '',
group_id = '',
sort_order = '0',
`default` = '0' in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 0:01:36 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'pod.option_placeholder' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />SELECT po.*, pod.option_placeholder
FROM product_options po
LEFT JOIN product_option_descriptions pod
ON pod.product_option_id = po.product_option_id AND pod.language_id = '1'
WHERE po.product_id = '2'
AND po.group_id = 0
AND po.status = 1
ORDER BY po.sort_order in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 0:04:00 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'option_placeholder' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />UPDATE product_option_descriptions SET name = 'January Photo', option_placeholder = '' WHERE product_option_id = '5' AND language_id = '1' in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 0:06:03 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'default' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />UPDATE product_option_values
SET sku = '',
quantity = '0',
subtract = '0',
price = '0.0000',
prefix = '$',
weight = '0',
weight_type = 'lb',
attribute_value_id = '',
grouped_attribute_data = '',
sort_order = '0',
`default` = '0'
WHERE product_option_value_id = '5' in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 0:06:03 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'option_placeholder' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />UPDATE product_option_descriptions SET name = 'February Photo', option_placeholder = '' WHERE product_option_id = '5' AND language_id = '1' in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 0:08:32 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'default' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />INSERT INTO product_option_values
SET product_option_id = '17',
product_id = '1',
group_id = '0',
sku = '',
quantity = '',
subtract = '',
price = '0',
prefix = '',
weight = '0',
weight_type = '',
attribute_value_id = '',
grouped_attribute_data = '',
sort_order = '0',
`default` = '0' in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 0:09:07 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'option_placeholder' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />UPDATE product_option_descriptions SET name = 'January Photo', option_placeholder = '' WHERE product_option_id = '17' AND language_id = '1' in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 0:09:21 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'option_placeholder' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />UPDATE product_option_descriptions SET name = 'January Photo', option_placeholder = '' WHERE product_option_id = '17' AND language_id = '1' in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 0:09:36 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'option_placeholder' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />UPDATE product_option_descriptions SET name = 'February Photo', option_placeholder = '' WHERE product_option_id = '5' AND language_id = '1' in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 0:09:43 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'option_placeholder' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />UPDATE product_option_descriptions SET name = 'March Photo', option_placeholder = '' WHERE product_option_id = '3' AND language_id = '1' in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 0:09:43 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'default' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />UPDATE product_option_values
SET sku = '',
quantity = '0',
subtract = '0',
price = '0.0000',
prefix = '$',
weight = '0',
weight_type = 'lb',
attribute_value_id = '',
grouped_attribute_data = '',
sort_order = '0',
`default` = '0'
Then after reading your reply I manually uploaded the 1.1.6 files again and ran the file you posted and nothing changed still not able to access products, page still gone and getting this error on site:There has been an error processing your request Please check error log for more info. You can check error log in the control panel if it is functional. Otherwise, refer to error log located in your web server
This error on error log:
2013-08-03 0:09:50 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'option_placeholder' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />UPDATE product_option_descriptions SET name = 'January Photo', option_placeholder = '' WHERE product_option_id = '5' AND language_id = '1' in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 3:06:11 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'pod.option_placeholder' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />SELECT po.*, pod.option_placeholder
FROM product_options po
LEFT JOIN product_option_descriptions pod
ON pod.product_option_id = po.product_option_id AND pod.language_id = '1'
WHERE po.product_id = '2'
AND po.group_id = 0
AND po.status = 1
ORDER BY po.sort_order in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 5:41:00 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'pod.option_placeholder' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />SELECT po.*, pod.option_placeholder
FROM product_options po
LEFT JOIN product_option_descriptions pod
ON pod.product_option_id = po.product_option_id AND pod.language_id = '1'
WHERE po.product_id = '2'
AND po.group_id = 0
AND po.status = 1
ORDER BY po.sort_order in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 5:43:12 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'pod.option_placeholder' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />SELECT po.*, pod.option_placeholder
FROM product_options po
LEFT JOIN product_option_descriptions pod
ON pod.product_option_id = po.product_option_id AND pod.language_id = '1'
WHERE po.product_id = '3'
AND po.group_id = 0
AND po.status = 1
ORDER BY po.sort_order in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
2013-08-03 6:14:21 - database error: AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Error: Unknown column 'pod.option_placeholder' in 'field list'<br />Error No: 1054<br />SELECT po.*, pod.option_placeholder
FROM product_options po
LEFT JOIN product_option_descriptions pod
ON pod.product_option_id = po.product_option_id AND pod.language_id = '1'
WHERE po.product_id = '3'
AND po.group_id = 0
AND po.status = 1
ORDER BY po.sort_order in <b>/home/chimom/public_html/core/database/mysql.php</b> on line <b>109</b>
Just going thru myphpadmin and there are alot of empty tables, this is the message I am getting for many values, I would say half or more are giving me this message when I click on them:
MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). ( Query took 0.0003 sec )