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General Support / In multistore - installed extensions and upgrading
« on: October 06, 2013, 04:28:23 PM »
When one has a multistore setup  I have some ongoing maintenance and extensions questions. 

What happens when you have extensions installed? 

In particular,  extensions that have fees?  Do we need to purchase an extension for every store?  or is it inherited during setup?  If additional purchase - what about multiple license fees at reduced cost?

When there is a version upgrade,  and it is run on the master - is it also necessary to run it on each of the store in some manner or are the features  shared from the master upgrade?

These are important operational issues for deciding how to manage sites after setup.

Thank you for your answers.

In researching about php mail and SMTP I found this citation:

PHP mail uses the settings in PHP.ini to send email through sendmail. Sendmail is a direct path that just hands over the mail you generated to the system's SMTP server, but requires you to build the header for it. PHP mail does not support SMTP authentication, which is required by many mail servers. Since SMTP requires a valid login to send the mail, the headers match the rDNS records allowing a flawless delivery.

In the long run, SMTP email is the only way to guarantee that your email will arrive in the inbox of your receivers. So don’t waste your time with the PHP mail function, instead use a web form that requires SMTP logic.

Can you please address which of the two systems work the best within abantecarte?
If one chooses SMTP  what, if any changes need to be made either within the system,  or within the server?

Additionally,  can more than one email address be used, in either configuration? I would like to use orders@mydomain  for order,  newsletter@mydomain for sending newsletter etc.  I have search Documentation and the board,  but can't find any guidance. 

If we can use more than one email address,  where do we set that up?

Thank you for your response.

Template Support / image on category pulldown
« on: October 04, 2013, 05:04:06 PM »
Using version 1.1.7 with html5 template.   Where do I edit the graphic that shows on the category pulldown?  I have added the image and it shows on the grid for the category,  but I can't seem to get it to display on the pull down.

I want to replace the 'camera' shot. 

Thanks for the help.

Oh,  I figured it out maybe -  It picks up the image associated with the last sub-category.   So now my question would be how to change that to choose the one I want to use.

General Support / editing when using multiple languages
« on: October 02, 2013, 05:19:16 PM »
I seem to be having difficulty getting the correct settings to get edits to work across selected languages or perhaps I don't understand what exactly the language translator works.

  Do I have to edit everything in both languages?  Is there no translation that is done automatically?   English is my primary language and that is what I want on the site to be grammatically correct.  But if the language can use a translator for the Spanish, pulling from the originating English input is what I am looking for.

I have version 1.1.7 and am using the html5 default.  I installed the demo info, thinking it would be easier to edit while in the learning phase.   It has English and Espanol installed and that is what I would like for the final site.

In changing the categories -  I can get the English to edit correctly.   But I can't get it to change on the Spanish side.

I have Autotranslate Status:  and  Override if source language text was changed: both set to ON.
I have tried various combinations, but can't get it right.

Extension Support / extension store - unable to view larger images
« on: October 02, 2013, 01:27:17 PM »
Hello,  I know that the extension store is "managed" by Algozone.   But here's the issue I am finding,  I can only find Templates on   So if I want to explore additional extension - it has to be by going thru the Dashboard to the extension store.  That is okay,  BUT  once one clicks on more information about an extension  it's impossible to enlarge an image to determine what it might be able to do.   All browsers,  FF, Chrome, IE  give same results   

I've a attached a partial screen shot so you can see. The same results occur on all places for enlarging the image.   

There are some extensions that I have interest in,  but am hesitant to purchase as I can't determine by the extremely small amount of information rather it will do what I want to do.   I am reporting this here since this is the preferred avenue to get to the extension store - thought you might like to know.

Thanks for whatever help you can provide here.

General Support / deleting/removing a multi store
« on: October 01, 2013, 12:12:41 PM »
I tested adding a mutli-store location.   Now I need to delete/remove a store from the line-up in the admin panel and all of it's associated info within the databases.    But can't find any way to do that on the admin panel.  Directions please.

I did find another question on this from early Sept,  but it remains unanswered, so there's at least two of us who need help.

Thanks for your help -

General Discussion / mail list management
« on: September 26, 2013, 03:49:37 PM »
Here's what I need to accomplish:   
Let's say list A is ALL customers (ones who signed up themselves)
List B and C are further refinements I have added to various List A customers for specific marketing purposes.
               list B is customers designated for Monday
               list C is customers designated for Tuesday

I want to send newsletter to only List C customers today,   tomorrow list B,  sometimes List A.

Is there a way within the existing 1.1.7 product to further separate the customers list?  Is it possible to make a subcategory within the customer groups?   or perhaps to add a customer to two categories?   If I add extension for customer attributes will that help accomplish what I want?

Or do I just add all those customer groups as I wish upon approval,  and then choose ALL the groups when I want to send to LIST A  -a bit of a sledgehammer approach.

Template Support / grammer on Newsletter success
« on: September 26, 2013, 03:24:01 PM »
In testing the new Newsletter signup  there is a grammatical error on the /index.php?rt=account/subscriber&success=1  screen
  It says -
 You has been subscribed successfully!

Correct grammar would be
  You have been subscribed successfully!

This was found in 1.7.7,  html5 template

General Support / ck editor spelling check missing
« on: September 25, 2013, 12:36:53 PM »
I notice in the text editor portion  there doesn't seem to be spell check enabled.   Is this an oversight or some issue due to all the language support?

For those of use keyboard challenged,  spell check would be good for content.


I am running 1.1.6 version,  with the html5 template.

I have installed the PayPal Express checkout extension from the extension store via my admin panel.   I have enabled the api and tested the link.  All that is okay.

Here's the problem - the buttons that say Checkout end up at a failure notice
PayPal Express Checkout Error
Error has occured during request. Please try again later.

This is the result on every location -
   checkout from the drop down in under the header
   Checkout link within the header
   even the checkout link on the cart page

IF I use the Checkout with PayPal button  or the Check out with BillMeLater as shown on the /index.php?rt=checkout/cart page it works correctly.

My questions are:

Who do we contact about extensions in the extension store that don't work?

And what do I need to do to get the checkout links go to the correct link?

It looks like the links for checkout icon go to /index.php?rt=checkout/shipping

and the link that works correctly goes to index.php?rt=extension/paypal_express_checkout/set_pp

Thanks for your help in this manner -

General Support / Product Tags - how best to use
« on: September 17, 2013, 11:09:08 AM »
Within the Product -general tab there is a Product Tags field -  it says this:

        'Product Tags: tags that this product has been given by administrator users'

This instruction doesn't give me enough information on how best to use this feature.   
What are the parameters of the tag field? spaces, no spaces,  can it have more than one tag,  delimiter is comma?  etc.

Are the tags used in any search functions by customer shopping on site?

Thank you for your help.

General Support / deleting install folder
« on: September 15, 2013, 12:21:22 AM »
I have just completed my initial installation.   The instruction to delete  ....public_html/core/install   is problematic.

I do not have file  ....public_html/core/install   in my directories.   I do have ....public_html/install, but it seems to perhaps have some files that I shouldn't delete.

Guidance on rather the instruction received in the header of the Finished screen  just has the wrong file name and I should delete ....public_html/install.

Thank you for your help.

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