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Messages - Dunweb

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Templates / Re: Template Extension VS. Template
« on: May 25, 2012, 01:35:00 PM »
Oh, one other thing.   When I installed the sample template2 I received this error message in the admin message manager

Error: Could not load controller ! in /home/content/xx/xxxxxxxx/html/dev/abantecart/core/engine/dispatcher.php on line 165


Templates / Template Extension VS. Template
« on: May 25, 2012, 01:32:56 PM »
Ok, after playing around a bit and downloading template2 (the sample template) which was delivered by an Extension key I would like a little clarification please.

Why choose template extension as opposed to downloading a template ?  Is it simply the ease of installation for the store owner ?

As I see it, wouldn't it just be easier for the store owner to download a template and upload it to the /storefront/view/ directory ? Then the store owner only has to configure it from the admin area ?

How is a extension key generated ?  I have been reading the documentation but could not find information about the keys.

Thank you for any guidance you can offer.


Fresh Installation / Re: Cant run install?
« on: May 25, 2012, 09:56:16 AM »
Thank you. We will nail this problem some other way. :)

let us know if you need help with template creation. just create new topic. FYI. Templates can be as extensions, there is free extension as example.

Thanks for the tips, I will create a new topic as I am confused about the extension option.


Fresh Installation / Re: Cant run install?
« on: May 25, 2012, 09:38:11 AM »
We need to see what error apache produce on the conflict with php.ini
Can you add this file just for 1 min to see the error log?

Oh ok, I understand now.  However, like I said.  That hosting account does not have logging enabled.  With Godaddy you have to enable it if you want it and then it is only active for 48 hours maximum.  Sorry about that. 

I installed it to work on templates for it.  So far, I like it and think Abantecart will become very popular with basic cart users.


Fresh Installation / Re: Cant run install?
« on: May 25, 2012, 09:24:02 AM »
Just a note on this:

The download (v1.01) contains a php.ini file that may conflict with your server php.ini file if you install the store into a sub-directory.  I use Godaddy and had this problem today.  I removed the php.ini from the sub-directory and had no additional issues.


Could you post last lines from your server-log (i mean apache log-file)?

Unfortunately, I do not have logging enabled on this hosting account as there are more than 40 websites currently on my account.  What were you hoping to find in the log ?


Fresh Installation / Re: Cant run install?
« on: May 24, 2012, 11:05:48 PM »
Just a note on this:

The download (v1.01) contains a php.ini file that may conflict with your server php.ini file if you install the store into a sub-directory.  I use Godaddy and had this problem today.  I removed the php.ini from the sub-directory and had no additional issues.


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