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AbanteCart v2.0 / Re: So Version 2.0 is out, but limited to paid plan??
« on: September 12, 2024, 08:03:53 AM »
Let me provide the answer.

1. Code for AbanteCart Charged (aka v2.0) is open source and you can install on your server. We can install it for you as well.
License free for AbanteCart Charged will depend on the service we will provide.

2. Any container that support PHP. We recommend AWS for getting the test performance with distributed architecture.

3. We will provide and access after establishing a license

4. We can set up a call to discuss details with you and will provide a demo.

General Support / Re: Brands Scrolling List of Abantecart 1.4
« on: August 19, 2024, 07:00:43 AM »
owl-carousel for brands is located in below template file:


You need to enable autoplay in the JavaScript section (line 48), Add below line:

Code: [Select]
autoplay: true,
If you need more configuration, check the manual for owl-carousel:

Only new install of v1.4 will enable Navator template automatically. Upgrade will have default template.
You can enabled Navator template manually

Hello jcschott,

As you might know abantecart_2.0 is completely different, advanced architecture and we used it for our larger clients.
There were no contributions from community to this platform, thus there was no point to keep it open.
It was a big investment on our part into this platform and decision was made to monetize and recoup the investment.
We have renamed  abantecart_2.0 to AbanteCart Charged and it will be under commercial license.
Updates are coming soon.

If you are interested to get a license or custom development please contact.  With license you receive support with updates & upgrades.

Welcome to AbanteCart forum.

I do not think z-index will help. Usually, the overflow property is used to avoid scrolling on the HTML element.
Are you able to share the link or screenshots?

How-to questions / Re: Sub Folders to Organise Media
« on: January 01, 2024, 09:09:30 PM »
Can someone please outline how you like to get media files organized?
Do you want to add a group?
Anything else?

I think this post needs to be covered to Poll

New Features Discussion / Re: Related categories
« on: December 31, 2023, 10:13:46 AM »
Thank you OneMore.

As far as I remember, you can assign categories to multiple parent categories.
Meaning single category can belong to any other category.
Does this solve what you suggest?

How-to questions / Re: How to translate names of currencies?
« on: December 31, 2023, 10:10:18 AM »
I am sorry, but we do not support v1.2 any longer.

Currencies are not multilingual. If you do not what to see title, yes, you can disable it.
Rather than removing code, I suggest to create a setting and create a pull request to current dev version. We will review and include into future release.

If there is a demand, we can consider to make currencies multilingual or wait for someone to contribute the change.

Thank you

Hello Sunsaan and welcome to AbanteCart forum.

It is not very clear what you set up from the screenshot, but my guess it a category menu what you show.
You can only add categories to the "category" menu. :)

In original template, there is a menu (home icon) on the left side of the bar. I do not see it on your screenshot.
You can assign specials to that menu. See my screenshot.

If you still need to add a link in the menu that you showed, you will need to edit the category block code or add new block to the right of the category and add link this new block.
Blocks are managed in the layout section.

Thank you for great suggestion. We will include the change in the next release.

General Discussion / Re: show store nameon product listing page.
« on: December 23, 2023, 01:18:29 PM »
Default AbanteCart does not have multiple sellers solution. There is only multiple store.  Are you using some customization or extension?

Thank you OneMore for sharing. In newer versions or 1.3.x for Bootstrap 5 templates this will be different   

Template Support / Re: Bootstrap5 Logo Position
« on: December 20, 2023, 07:21:59 AM »
Can you share your HTML/CSS or post a link?

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