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Author Topic: Unable to instal the theme developers tools  (Read 5770 times)

Offline Knockishee

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Unable to instal the theme developers tools
« on: September 07, 2017, 04:42:12 PM »
I am sure this is likely down to something I am not doing correctly.

I have tried to follow the docs to the letter. So the following is a complete breakdown of what I have done

I followed the link to github and cloned the package

I then unzipped this on my local machine

Inside this folder I found the following files..............

developer_tools_extension-master    inside this folder was the following folders




I couldnt find any mention of the version to use in the docs, so I made the assumption that as i had used the latest stable version, then I would choose the V1.2 File

As i have no way to zip files as gzip.tar and the extension loader would not take a zip file, (i zipped up the correct files inside this folder, and not just the complete 1.2 folder).

So i used FTP

inside the folder 1.2, I navigated to the Developer_tools folder and uploaded that and its subfolders.
I then set all permission of the correct folders to 777.

I am unsure if I should have actually uploaded the entire structure including all the other folders inside the V1.2 folder, the docs seem to suggest you navigate to the extensions folder and upload the developers_tools folder and its contents.

Having done all that, if I then goto the design/templates part in the admin panel and click on the clone button, i just get taken back to the doc links, nowhere can i find anyway to clone the default template.

I only wish to clone the files so I can alter the look and not loose it when upgrading, at some point in the future I may also try and alter a few things, i dont want to do this without a back up template, incse i get myself into a situation.

So far on the main template I have had no issue changes a few small CSS things

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I also have a ftp set up if someone wants to double check what I have uploaded and done.

Thanks in advance.

I also tried running the install.php file directly via the browser, but just got a file not found, i am under https:// though

Offline Knockishee

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Re: Unable to instal the theme developers tools
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2017, 04:49:04 PM »
Please ignore the above, i discovered fileziller lied to me and hadnt actually changed the recursive directories. I am doing a pic walk through of how I did it, it might help other real newbs in the future, and those of us with limited IT skills :D.

\sorry for the post 

Offline Knockishee

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Re: Unable to instal the theme developers tools
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2017, 05:03:29 PM »
I have made two clones, both i think as extensions. One is just the css and files like that, the other is a full clone incase I seriously mess up!

Really not sure what to make of this software! On the one hand its incredibly complex in what it can achieve, and yet with a little effort even a real web noob who hasnt even installed software before, you can actually change the look etc fairly easy.

Its a real achievement, I nearly went with a paid for package, however after first trying it out for 30 days, i have got further in 6 hours with this, than i did in 30 days with that. And AbanteCart cart has alot more features (or at least alot more useful ones!).

I am rapidilly becoming a convert, also the code snipits in the forum here are a real gem, they have helped me greatly to get started


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